RB Model
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Frequently asked questions, read before contacting with us

  1. What are the shipping costs to my country?
  2. How can I pay you?
  3. Can you produce few parts based on my drawings special for me?
  4. I`m a model producer and I want you to produce for me some quantity of parts. Is it possible?
  5. I have a modeler shop and I want to sale your products. How can I do it?
  6. How can I contact you and what language should I use?
  7. I have receive my order but the products are fault, or have any other marks of production errors. What should I do?
RB Model company location and contact data

RB Model (Germany)
Bollweg 26 wo.92
22525 Hamburg
e-mail: rbmodel@rbmodel.com
tel/fax: +48 (502) 27 16 14

RB Model (Poland)
Nowy Dwór 45A
64-360 Zbąszyń
e-mail: rbmodel@rbmodel.com
tel/fax: +48 (68) 38 68 606

copyright © 2008 RB Model